
Designing a New Strategy for Women’s Healthcare? Rethink Infant Feeding Policy!

We responded to a recent call for evidence from the government to inform a new women’s health strategy. The public consultation was promoted as an opportunity to ‘shape the future of women’s healthcare’. This is what we said:

Continue reading “Designing a New Strategy for Women’s Healthcare? Rethink Infant Feeding Policy!”

From Claims About Formula Feeding and Obesity to the National Trust: All in a Weekend’s Work!

It has been an eventful weekend in the world of infant feeding. First off, the new president of the RCPCH (the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health), Dr Camilla Kingdon, used the Daily Mail to pronounce that formula fed babies are more likely to grow up to be obese. She also said that formula companies pursue stressed out parents and that the fall in health visiting numbers means parents aren’t getting the support they need to breastfeed.

Continue reading “From Claims About Formula Feeding and Obesity to the National Trust: All in a Weekend’s Work!”

Not NICE, Not Evidence Based

NICE have published new guidelines on postnatal careThe committee responded to comments from stakeholders, including from us. Our comments and the responses from NICE can be found in this document, starting from page 114. Here is why we have said on Twitter that some guidelines are #NotNICENotEvidenceBased. Continue reading “Not NICE, Not Evidence Based”

Our Commentary on a Recent Paper About Guilt, Shame and Infant Feeding

We want to summarise and discuss our take on this very interesting paper. It is a recently published review of the research literature on guilt, shame and infant feeding ‘outcomes’. Continue reading “Our Commentary on a Recent Paper About Guilt, Shame and Infant Feeding”

We Respond to Baby Friendly About its Plans to Extend Into Children’s Hospitals

Baby Friendly UK recently announced that it is intending to expand its Baby Friendly Initiative into children’s hospitals. It opened a consultation for views on its new standards for paediatrics services. These are some of the comments we submitted: Continue reading “We Respond to Baby Friendly About its Plans to Extend Into Children’s Hospitals”

We Write to the RCPCH about the Baby Friendly Initiative in Children’s Hospitals

We have written to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health to raise our concerns about Baby Friendly UK’s recently announced plans to expand into children’s hospitals. This is what we said: Continue reading “We Write to the RCPCH about the Baby Friendly Initiative in Children’s Hospitals”

Our Comments on New Postnatal Care Guidelines from NICE

We recently commented on new postnatal care guidelines that are being developed by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence). We read through many pages of evidence reviews and supporting documents and submitted extensive comments, which can be read below. You can join us in discussing the guidelines on Twitter.

Continue reading “Our Comments on New Postnatal Care Guidelines from NICE”

We Investigate New Claims About Breastfeeding and Child Behaviour

Our inbox went a bit crazy this morning with a link to this article in the Daily Mail reporting on this research paper and claiming ‘babies who were breastfed developed fewer behavioural problems when older’. So, we are going to dig a little deeper into the paper and give our perspective as parents… Continue reading “We Investigate New Claims About Breastfeeding and Child Behaviour”