Write to Your MP about the Costs of Formula Milk and Medical Foods in Case of a No-deal Brexit

Infant Feeding Alliance is concerned about the Government’s decision to include formula milk and medical foods in the list of products subject to significant import tariffs in the event of a no-deal Brexit. This could lead to cost rises on life-saving products and put pressure on parents’ budgets.

If you share our concerns, please write to your MP to ask them to make sure formula milk remains exempt from tariffs.

We have prepared the template letter below to give you the facts to pass to your MP and ask them to take action on your behalf. Please do personalise the letter and write your own subject line. You can rewrite the whole thing if you like! Personalised letters make a greater impact on MPs.


Dear [Your MP’s name]

I am writing because I am very worried about increased costs of formula milk and medical foods in the event of a no-deal Brexit. I am a [parent, doctor, etc. Please write whatever reason you have for being concerned about this and any impact it would have on you or your friends/family/patients].

As it currently stands, the Government has decided that if we leave the EU with no deal there will be significant tariffs set on formula milk and medical foods. Right now there are no tariffs on these items, recognising their life-saving importance.

Formula milk is absolutely critical for babies who are not breastfed. Increased costs could directly impact babies’ access to their main food and put extra strain on parents’ budgets. About 90% of formula milk is imported from the EU so any tariffs will obviously increase costs.

Medical foods are almost all prescription products, funded by the NHS. They ensure that people with a variety of medical conditions are properly nourished, including hospital patients who are unable to eat because they are too poorly or are unconscious and children who need to eat by tube.

Please will you lobby the Government to make sure that all formula milk and medical foods are exempt from tariffs, no matter the outcome of trade negotiations with the EU?

Yours sincerely,

[Your name and address]

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